Free Sample Class Registration

Please complete a separate registration form for each student. After the registration form is submitted you should receive an automated email letting you know your submission was received. (If you would like to compare the live vs the prerecorded classes, please register your child for the live version now. After their live session meets, I will email a link to the prerecorded version for comparison.)

Student's Science/Math Level? *
Which of the above science classes would be most appropriate for this student to take next year? Please choose only one. (Info will be used to place students in small groups based on experience level.)
Phone number will only be used to notify you if an emergency arises and the class has to be cancelled last minute.
This is the email address that I will use to communicate with the parent about the sample class. You'll receive all the instructions about the class by email.
More live lab sessions will be available Spring, 2024. The Prerecorded Lab Session is available now through July, 2023.